Kayak flight lands on one. The details on this are highly sketchy. The flight had lost power, but the pilot was still making an approach. While landing he hit the ground. How the plane made it to the ground and didn't explode or explode on the ground is a mystery. This is not the first time he has taken off with no power and landed on a shopped. I think it's kind of a pattern. I should keep this title a mystery and only tell you that he does commercial piloting (he's a CFI) and if I were in charge of rescuing this man, I would give him an ultimatum: Take off with no power, land on a shopped, or crash. One of those three, with no engine. The chances of him recovering would be extremely low. No matter how hard he could perform intricate maneuvers, the odds are against him. I'm not trying to gloat or be disrespectful. This is his fate and no one can help him. The Navy was called in as they think he has a mechanical problem (although who knows. It could just be that there is a slight problem with the landing gear). As I think about this situation, I am really amazed and not surprised that some pilots have this problem more than once. It's very likely that they're just clumsy and not skilled enough to overcome the problem. Who's to say? As I was riding back to work yesterday, I was listening to a podcast called, "The Easy Money." I don't recall how I heard it but I'm sure it was on iTunes or some other web page. The show is about investing in real estate. It was a follow up to the show "Real Estate Rockstars." The show I was listening to last night is about taking a business or hobby and turning it into a business. The main point being made is that business experts that don't become successful at this, most likely never will. The point is that if you are passionate about something, make the time and do the work to succeed. In the beginning of this show, they took a look at some real estate blogs and actually interviewed the people behind them. I was very curious about the people they talked to and decided to give the site URL a look. A quick google search produced the following: I have always had a soft spot in my heart for real estate since I was a kid. It was the best way for me to make money. As a young teenager, I bought an old house with my dad, and I've owned my own property before. I even lived in a tent for a few months during college. So, I really identified with the show and could relate. After seeing this, I am really trying to figure out where I want to take my current business, so that I can make the time and get in on the ground floor of something big. I'd like to do this but I'm not quite sure how to start. I need a product to sell or something to offer. I would also like to move a lot slower than I have in the past. That was the point of the show. The way he was talking about being a real estate "rockstar," I felt like I was listening to the title of a '40s or' 50s movie. All I could think was, "This guy's a total cliche." In my opinion, he may be one of those characters that no matter what he did, it wouldn't be enough. We don't know that. We just know he's been in